Details about upcoming free 2021 Teen programs will be available in the future, when funding is secured.
If you are interested in making JAE’s free youth programming possible, please reach out to
Since 2016, JAE has run a teen dance intensive during April break, in partnership with the Dance Complex in Cambridge, MA! Read the description and sign up by filling out the form below. In the meantime, feel free to reach out with any questions.
Students will engage in conversations and movement explorations around the ideas of telling personal stories through dance. Each day will consist of classes in yoga, modern dance, and Haitian folkloric dance, taught by Jean Appolon and JAE company members. The intensive will culminate in a performance on April 20th at the Boston Children's Museum.
Dates, times, and Locations for 2019
April 15-19, 9am-1pm - The Dance Complex (536 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA) for rehearsals and dance classes
April 20, 9am-2pm - The Boston Children’s Museum, for final performance, open to families and museum-goers
Attendance is mandatory for each day of the program.
Student Eligibility
Students ages 13-18 are welcome to join. Students should have at least 2 years of experience in dance classes of any style, or demonstrated a commitment to dance in some other way.
In the past, participants’ experience has ranged from 2 years to over 10 years. We are able to offer a positive learning environment to all as long as every student is committed to having a positive attitude and a strong work ethic.
Intensive dance programs in the greater Boston area typically cost about $100 per day, which means that this program has a value of approximately $600 per student. However, thanks to grants from the Cambridge Community Foundation and the Cambridge Arts Council, and our generous individual donors, we are able to fully fund many students’ participation.
We encourage families who are able to do so, to make donations of $200-500 to support us in continuing to develop our youth programming in the Boston area. At present, we offer the week-long spring intensive and a year-long apprenticeship for up to 5 teen dancers. In the future, we plan to add regular youth/teen classes throughout the school year and teen summer intensive programs, and donations are a large part of making those possible!
This program is supported in part with grants from the following organizations:
Sign Up
Thank you to all our partners and funders!